About Us
- To create a dynamic platform for the most streamlined recruitment solutions.
- To amalgamate the right talent with the right opportunity.
- Smart Dedicated Professionals.
- Outstanding Client Service.
- Empathizing with Job Seekers to provide them with most rewarding results.
About Us
Founded in 2011, Jobility has since become a revolutionary platform for Employers and Job seekers alike who want to build successful futures for them and have an insatiable hunger for growth just like us. Ever since our birth, we have been working relentlessly in order to provide you with the best human capital solutions in the most efficient manner. We are proud to be affiliated with numerous tycoons of the Industry including exceptionally experienced HR professionals who continue to support and guide us on our quest. We are also backed by expert alumni from top notch MBA colleges and educational institutes like IIT, NIT etc. Over the years we have successfully placed a vast number of quality candidates at diverse Multinational Companies and well reputed organizations and continue to do so.
Jobility offers potent recruiting and employer branding solutions. We help our clients and partners promote their employer brand to potential candidates researching them and advertise their jobs to ideal candidates who may not be aware of them.
For Employers
Jobility is your primary source of finding the correct people with the correct skill-sets instrumental in your company's growth. We use innovative methods to filter the best candidates in their fields to provide you with tailor made solutions for all your business needs. We are constantly on our toes to ensure you get perfectly planned and implemented methods with guaranteed results.
For Job Seekers
We are a team of professionals dedicated to fulfill your dreams. We at Jobility offer you eclectic career solutions that vastly optimize your chances to find that perfect job you always wanted. We strive to help employers and job seekers find their perfect match. Our experts are ready to help you at all stages of a job hunt, right from helping you write that power packed resume to walking you through the complete interview process. All we ask in return is for you to be amongst those who dare to follow their dreams!
"Failing to plan is planning to fail."
- Alan Lakein
This is exactly what we believe in at Jobility. We undertake vigilant efforts during the mapping of all the finer aspects of our responsibility in order to deliver the best quality results. Once we are handed a job requirement, we leave no stone unturned to monitor every minute detail and thus ensure sophisticated standards. We use the following approach in our endeavour:
  • Evaluate: Successfully evaluate the job description in order to understand the needs of the company. Conduct a thorough study of the Company profile in order to understand our client's exact needs and empathize with their vision of an ideal candidate.
  • Identify: Use state of the art means to spot the best candidates in their fields of expertise.
  • Examine: Conduct a comprehensive series of tests and interviews to ascertain the competence of and shortlist candidates against the job requirement.
  • Unite: Help make both the candidate and the company make the best decisions.
Corporate Social Responsibility
At Jobility we take your dreams seriously. Thus, we are aware of the expanse of hardships today's youth faces as he ventures into the competitive world. The economic turbulences and issues like unemployment, employees being underpaid and overworked, duped in the name of assured jobs and several such maladies pester today's society. We are working unexhausted to provide you with opportunities that will be wholesome and gratifying by all means. We make no reservations in reaching out to talent, no matter where it emerges from. After all, " a lotus is as beautiful only because it transcends darkness to bloom above it." Adopting the same principle, we nurture every talent, every skill, and every quality in order for it to evolve and reach new highs. We have undertaken several projects for underprivileged candidates from unfortunate backgrounds who deserve a lot more from the world and celebrating their first salaries over exuberant conversations and grinning smiles all over just makes us believe that the world is a lovely, glowing place.
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