If you are looking for a job, then it is very important that you understand how to offer yourself in the best way to an employer.
IT provides businesses with four sets of core services to help execute the business strategy:
  • Business process automation
  • Providing information
  • Connecting with customers
  • Productivity Tools
IT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages, and data constructs. In short, anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the IT domain.
IT professionals perform a variety of functions (IT Disciplines/Competencies) that ranges from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as management and administration of entire systems. Information technology is starting to spread further than the conventional personal computer and network technologies, and more into integrations of other technologies such as the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles, and more, which is increasing the demand for such jobs.
We do understand the importance of the same and so our top priority is in this area.
  • On the microeconomic scale, companies have used telecommunications to help build global business empires. Even relatively-poor communities have been noted to use telecommunication to their advantage.
  • Since then the role that telecommunications has played in social relations has become increasingly important. In recent years, the popularity of this sector has increased dramatically. These sites allow users to communicate with each other as well as post photographs, events and profiles for others to see.
  • The profiles can list a person's age, interests, and relationship status. In this way, these sites can play important role in everything from organising social engagements to courtship
  • Prior to social networking sites, technologies like SMS and the telephone also had a significant impact on social interactions. And so we believe that there is great scope for growth and opportunities in this sector and thus offers suitable candidates to our clients
  • In simple words it is the use of information transmission over significant distances to communicate. In earlier times, telecommunications involved the use of visual signals, such as beacons, smoke signals, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs, or audio messages via coded drumbeats, lung-blown horns, or sent by loud whistles, for example. In the modern age of electricity and electronics, telecommunications now also includes the use of electrical devices such as telegraphs, telephones, and teleprinters, the use of radio and microwave communications, as well as fiber optics and their associated electronics, plus the use of the orbiting satellites and the Internet.
  • And so we believe that there is great scope for growth and opportunities in this sector and thus offers suitable candidates to our clients.

Retail consists of the sale of physical goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser. Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. Purchasers may be individuals or businesses. In commerce, a "retailer" buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller quantities to the end-user.
Retail establishments are often called shops or stores. Retailers are at the end of the supply chain. Manufacturing marketers see the process of retailing as a necessary part of their overall distribution strategy.

Retail is usually classified by type of products as follows:
* Food products
* Hard goods ("hardline retailers") - appliances, electronics, furniture, sporting goods, etc.
* Soft goods - clothing, apparel, and other fabrics. Retailing is one of the pillars of the economy in India and accounts for 13% of GDP. While India presents a large market opportunity given the number and increasing purchasing power of consumers, there are significant challenges as well given that over 90% of trade is conducted through independent local stores.
With opportunity comes the number of jobs and we are the right choice if you are looking for something like this.
Banking & Insurance
Banking comprises two parts: Monetary Authorities—Central Bank, and Depository Credit Intermediation. credit intermediation and related services industry provides banking services to consumers and businesses. It secures the money of depositors, provides checking and debit card services, and lends money to consumers and businesses through credit cards, mortgages, car loans, investment loans, and lines of credit.

There are three basic types of banks:

  • Commercial Banks
  • Savings and Loan Associations
  • Credit Unions
Although some of the differences between these types of banks have lessened, there are key distinctions. Commercial banks, which dominate this industry, offer a full range of services for individuals, businesses, and governments. Commercial banks come in a wide range of sizes, from large global banks to mid-size regional and small community banks. In addition to typical banking services, global banks lend internationally and trade foreign currencies. Regional banks have numerous branches and automated teller machine (ATM) locations throughout a multi-state area and provide banking services to individuals and local businesses. Community banks are based locally and have fewer branches than regional or global banks.
The economic reforms undertaken in the last 15 years have brought about a considerable improvement in the health of banks and financial institutions in India. The banking sector is a very important sector of the Indian economy. The sector has made a marked improvement in the liberalization period. There has been extraordinary progress in the financial health of the commercial banks with respect to capital adequacy, profitability, asset quality and risk management. Deregulation has opened new doors for banks to increase revenues by entering into investment banking, insurance, credit cards, depository services, mortgage, securitization, etc.
The automobile industry consisting of cars, trucks, buses, two-wheelers and three-wheelers, is vital to the growth of the Indian economy. In the last decade their share in the Indian economy is around 5% of GDP.
Economic progress is indicated by the amount of goods and services produced which give the impetus for transportation and boost the sale of vehicles. Increase in automobile production has a catalyst effect by indirectly increasing the demand for a number of raw materials like steel, rubber, plastics, glass, paint, electronics and services.
Since transportation is the nerve center of every other industry, the well being of the automobile industry is a good indicator of the health of the economy. Economic studies have shown that every truck manufactured creates anywhere between eight to twelve jobs and a bus would create around seven, which would include salespeople, drivers, mechanics, cleaners and servicing staff.
The earlier automobiles were a domestic version of prominent International Brands. The Morris Oxford popular in the 1950s, became the Ambassador, the Fiat 1100 became the Premier Padmini. By 1960s nearly 98% of the product was developed indigenously.
By the end of 1970s, significant changes in the automobile industry were witnessed. Initiatives like joint ventures for light commercial vehicles did not succeed. New models like Contessa, the Rover and the Premier 118NE, hit the market.

• By the year 2016 the industry is expected to contribute 10% of the nation’s GDP. The industry manufacturers over 11 million vehicles a year, employing more than three million people.
• The greatest challenge and competition would be from the Chinese automobile industry. The Chinese automobile industry has been able to give stiff completion to India in terms of productivity, cost of manufacturing and technology. Again the present trend of excess manufacturing capability, reduced margins put additional pressure on the industry.
• The global recession has had a dampener effect on the growth of the industry, but market experts believe it is only a short term phenomenon and are confident of the industry bouncing back.
• On the positive side, India’s strength in software sector, combined with skilled labour and low cost of manufacturing should place it in a favourable position globally.
The importance of infrastructure sector also follows from the fact that foreign investors are now looking at infrastructural development as a yardstick for directing their investments. In fact infrastructural development had taken precedence over wage levels in assessing the investment potential in developing countries. In India infrastructure sector itself is becoming an attractive investment area for FDIs.
Already there is a huge demand for funds from the manufacturing sector. On top of that is the demand from the infrastructure sector. Both draw heavily from the savings of the household sector. The growth of financial savings of household sector however is not rising fast.
Infrastructure Industry in India has been witnessing rapid growth in its different sectors with the growing urbanization and the increasing rate of foreign investments in this field. The Indian government has taken various initiatives to develop the infrastructure sector. Liberalisation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regulations, extended tax holiday periods and introduction of Public Private Partnership (PPP) are some of the factors that have led to the growth of infrastructure sector in India.
To encourage feign funds flow into the infrastructure sector, the Financing Ministry has allowed Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) also to invest in unlisted companies.
This was aimed at helping infrastructure companies as they would not be in a position to list their shares in the initial phase. FIIs now deploy 100 per cent of their funds in corporate debt. However, the Ministry has not dispensed with the 20 percent withholding tax on such investment as per the suggestions of the IIR report.
The major Infrastructure development initiatives require a substantial inflow of investment capital. The policies of the Indian Government seek to encourage investments in domestic infrastructure from both local and foreign private capital. The country is a hot destination for foreign investors.
Media, Advertising, Communication
In general, "media" refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of media. The term can also be used as a collective noun for the press or news reporting agencies. In the computer world, "media" is also used as a collective noun, but refers to different types of data storage options.
Computer media can be hard drives, removable drives (such as Zip disks), CD-ROM or CD-R discs, DVDs, flash memory, USB drives, and yes, floppy disks. For example, if you want to bring your pictures from your digital camera into a photo processing store, they might ask you what kind of media your pictures are stored on. Are they on the flash memory card inside your camera or are they on a CD or USB drive? For this and many other reasons, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of what the different types of media are.
Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as websites and text messages. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products orservices through "Branding,"
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